Friday the 13th is said to be unlucky because it is historically considered to be an unlucky day and unlucky number. Though there is a fear for that particular date, it doesn’t seem to be true in the recent days. When the whole world considers the number to be unlucky, it was not the case with me. It turned to be a wonderful day, went on well as planned by me, meeting and sharing my thoughts, of course theirs, which I thought of blogging here.

Started the day with my prayers, I went to a place some 5 km’s away from my home to get some application forms which my uncle wanted me to do. Spent some time there and met a close relative of mine while returning. Had a chat with him and came home by 11.30 AM. 

As scheduled I was supposed to be in my gym around 1.30 PM, but had a few other works in bank and reached there by 2. Jogging with my other friends in the gym, we were gossiping about our previous company, precipitating the frustration among our ex-colleagues etc. 

The next thing after my gym was to meet one of my best pals, he was calling me to his house for weeks, but I couldn’t make it up. But I didn’t want to miss this time. Met him, around 4PM in his house, we were discussing about several things for a long time… finally came out from his home around 6.30 PM. 

It was a good, different, expressive discussion and what not. We know each other for the past 10 years, but it was after 2007, that we became close to each other. He is a nice guy to move with, one can share all kind of information with him, he listens patiently, gives his feedback, takes decision wisely, may be I was a bit unlucky to become his close one, only after a few years. Right from our college days we used to discuss about many things but those were generic. We had different thoughts, varied opinions but had one big thing along our way of life till now which always held us together and made us in force many things on others, that is “Don’t complicate life too much when you have decided to enjoy life-Just make it possible to rejoice the present”.

But this time, we had much more to talk about each other, our families, personal life and many more…

By the time he started to share his personal….. man you won’t believe it was like butterflies in my stomach.

X: Don’t laugh or kid, hearing the news… 

Me: Go ahead; tell me, enough of your suspense…. 

X: Recently I have fell in love with a gal, am sure you know her… All of the sudden I felt this, thought humpty of times if I have taken a right decision, didn’t discuss with anyone as they might confuse me or just make a mockery of me. But I felt, I’m have made the right attempt, sincere and heartfelt and have decided to take it forward…

Me: Silent….. Surprised… Shocked.. ..  Is it you …X.  Pinched myself to check if it’s true… Yes it is… Back again silently…Go ahead… 

X: I know her for quite a long time and have conversed well during occasions…. Of course few of us from our gang…. After asking many questions, convincing myself, I decided to share this to her. It was one of the nervous moments in my life, to be honest. I felt I should express her, what I felt. And after prayers, gathered all the bloody guts in conveying it to her on my birthday… She was also annoyed, shocked and felt completely out of words.

Me: Of Course… she would have.. 🙂 

X: She said that she will call back later 

Me: Good… Then 

X: She called me in a couple of days and told that it would be best to talk with each other, understand better and then decide upon this. 

X: We started talking each other and in another 5 days, and accepted, and it’s all in the air now… 

Skipping few things here as it might be too personal (for X). 

X: Now, what do you think… I discussed with Lux, Victor and now you… wanted to discuss long before but didn’t have time…. 

Me: Interesting, Good and Happy. 

Yeah, she is a good girl, friendly, matured (no more words to think) but I’m really stunned to hear this from you. Not only me, your family, friends, our gang, she, he, every one who knows you must have.

 X : Yes, but I don’t wont to give up. I know I have to face a lot, there are many issues from my side, her side… but I’m not going to take a back step on this …

 Me: Nice… Hope all’s well, and ends well. 

Left his home wishing him all success and you wont believe me.. I was really flummoxed thinking what might happen, what/whom all to face…. 

Around 9 PM met Lux, who knows this already, had a chat with him and had some sort of relief… came home enjoying my drive…. Thinking some thing ……

 A bad day for the world with a good beginning for me, my friend…