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The day is celebrated with a lot of fervor and prayers, parties and social feasts across the world. A special occasion for people in India where they celebrate it like Diwali. It has turned to become national festival over the years. You will find the excitement and enthusiasm about celebrating the eve of welcoming the New Year all over the country. 

When I was in my school, we used to spend some time with friends near my house, watch people bursting crackers, roam the streets and then go home. But as days went celebrating New Year seems yet another festival especially for me. I started my career in a software company on Dec 6th 2006, just 25 days before the New Year. Being a US based concern, they celebrate X-mas and New Year, with events, parties etc.  

The management of the company had plans for us and had organized for an event in a reputed 3 star hotel on the eve of New Year. We all went there to take part in it but alas, it was nothing special except for the crowd. We couldn’t see what was happening in the stage, who the chief guest was, who is doing what… etc. We all went back to office had some talks and returned home. The next day as usual went to temple, watched a movie and spent the rest of my time watching programs in television. 

I didn’t want to do the same from the next year onwards. Discussed with my friends and we all planned to celebrate it in some hill station, differently. We planned a trip to Ooty to celebrate the end of 2007. It was 29th Dec and my manager had invited our team to his house to have a party. I couldn’t deny it as it was the first time, went that night to his house, had nice time with him, cooking, chatting, gossiping etc. The next day morning we were supposed to catch the train at 7 AM in the morning. I didn’t know what to do, while I was on the way to my native the next day, gave him a call and said that my grandpa is serious and I have to be there. He said take care, no issues and dropped the call.

Finally went to Coimbatore on 30th, had some time with my friend lakshman’s family, hired a van which could accommodate 20 of us, and started traveling. Reached Ooty, roamed, enjoyed to the core and were back to Chennai on 01st evening.

One year ran like anything and we friends planned a similar outing to celebrate the end of 2008. But I had to get permission from the same manager this time too. Being in sales I was given some targets which I had to complete before the end of Dec 31st. Besides, according to our plan I had to be there in a forest resort some 40 kms above Kodaikanal with my friends for that New Year. What do I tell my boss? My colleagues were kidding me like anything as the day neared… By gods luck I had achieved some 82% of my target but what reason can I give my boss to get my leave approved?                                                                                                     

Grandpa.. Ohh he passed away last year, grandma… no she is alive, not feeling well… no, reason gave by me the previous week …. Gosh.. no ideas..hrrrr. couldn’t think of anything…

Suddenly my friends were planning to attend another friend’s brother marriage near Madurai, from where we had planned to start to Kodai. The marriage was on 29th December and I had to bunk 3 official days to celebrate my New Year. I had no other go than to say that I had viral fever. Monday went by, Tuesday passed and on Wednesday night suddenly I received a call from my colleague informing me that my boss had read all the mails about the plan for my New Year celebration and he is waiting for my arrival. I don’t know whether I should call him to make up the situation with him or he will call to blast me. Finally called him and told him that I am sick and that I have come to my native to take rest. He had no other go but to get convene, he kept silent and dropped the call. 

The next day after few other friends came from Chennai; we all met together and started to Kodai… this time we were frustrated. The guy who arranged for the trip didn’t turn up and the place which he said sucked liked hell. It was nearly zero degrees there and most of us were shivering like anything. The van got punctured, no power, no shop, we didn’t have anything to do but enjoyed to the core… Went to the house, called the watchman, asked him to cook, to our surprise there was no gas stove, he had to cook using wood, no power till the next day, had dinner and started gossiping about each other, our future etc. Lit a couple of lanterns which the watchman had and started partying. As usual started the next day from Kodai, to catch our train to reach Chennai.

Though my reasons seemed childish, I wanted to be with my loved ones, enjoy the moment and have a fruitful year. I can very well tell my manager about the celebrations and get permission but not every year. Being in Sales we also have other commitments to be achieved. I know I can’t sacrifice both, but a couple of days by the year end is no big game. 

Hours went, days went, months went and I had also changed my company. Things running fine now thought of penning down about my New Year Celebrations, this year to celebrate the end of 2009, with the same friends in Chennai but with a different lie to a different Boss :-).

Friday the 13th is said to be unlucky because it is historically considered to be an unlucky day and unlucky number. Though there is a fear for that particular date, it doesn’t seem to be true in the recent days. When the whole world considers the number to be unlucky, it was not the case with me. It turned to be a wonderful day, went on well as planned by me, meeting and sharing my thoughts, of course theirs, which I thought of blogging here.

Started the day with my prayers, I went to a place some 5 km’s away from my home to get some application forms which my uncle wanted me to do. Spent some time there and met a close relative of mine while returning. Had a chat with him and came home by 11.30 AM. 

As scheduled I was supposed to be in my gym around 1.30 PM, but had a few other works in bank and reached there by 2. Jogging with my other friends in the gym, we were gossiping about our previous company, precipitating the frustration among our ex-colleagues etc. 

The next thing after my gym was to meet one of my best pals, he was calling me to his house for weeks, but I couldn’t make it up. But I didn’t want to miss this time. Met him, around 4PM in his house, we were discussing about several things for a long time… finally came out from his home around 6.30 PM. 

It was a good, different, expressive discussion and what not. We know each other for the past 10 years, but it was after 2007, that we became close to each other. He is a nice guy to move with, one can share all kind of information with him, he listens patiently, gives his feedback, takes decision wisely, may be I was a bit unlucky to become his close one, only after a few years. Right from our college days we used to discuss about many things but those were generic. We had different thoughts, varied opinions but had one big thing along our way of life till now which always held us together and made us in force many things on others, that is “Don’t complicate life too much when you have decided to enjoy life-Just make it possible to rejoice the present”.

But this time, we had much more to talk about each other, our families, personal life and many more…

By the time he started to share his personal….. man you won’t believe it was like butterflies in my stomach.

X: Don’t laugh or kid, hearing the news… 

Me: Go ahead; tell me, enough of your suspense…. 

X: Recently I have fell in love with a gal, am sure you know her… All of the sudden I felt this, thought humpty of times if I have taken a right decision, didn’t discuss with anyone as they might confuse me or just make a mockery of me. But I felt, I’m have made the right attempt, sincere and heartfelt and have decided to take it forward…

Me: Silent….. Surprised… Shocked.. ..  Is it you …X.  Pinched myself to check if it’s true… Yes it is… Back again silently…Go ahead… 

X: I know her for quite a long time and have conversed well during occasions…. Of course few of us from our gang…. After asking many questions, convincing myself, I decided to share this to her. It was one of the nervous moments in my life, to be honest. I felt I should express her, what I felt. And after prayers, gathered all the bloody guts in conveying it to her on my birthday… She was also annoyed, shocked and felt completely out of words.

Me: Of Course… she would have.. 🙂 

X: She said that she will call back later 

Me: Good… Then 

X: She called me in a couple of days and told that it would be best to talk with each other, understand better and then decide upon this. 

X: We started talking each other and in another 5 days, and accepted, and it’s all in the air now… 

Skipping few things here as it might be too personal (for X). 

X: Now, what do you think… I discussed with Lux, Victor and now you… wanted to discuss long before but didn’t have time…. 

Me: Interesting, Good and Happy. 

Yeah, she is a good girl, friendly, matured (no more words to think) but I’m really stunned to hear this from you. Not only me, your family, friends, our gang, she, he, every one who knows you must have.

 X : Yes, but I don’t wont to give up. I know I have to face a lot, there are many issues from my side, her side… but I’m not going to take a back step on this …

 Me: Nice… Hope all’s well, and ends well. 

Left his home wishing him all success and you wont believe me.. I was really flummoxed thinking what might happen, what/whom all to face…. 

Around 9 PM met Lux, who knows this already, had a chat with him and had some sort of relief… came home enjoying my drive…. Thinking some thing ……

 A bad day for the world with a good beginning for me, my friend…


Being lonely is a wonderful gift, enjoying the loneliness with our favorite food, book and watching our favorite channels is what I love. But after very long time nearly a year if I’m right I got a chance to be alone last weekend. All my roommates went to their hometown and I was left alone, lying in the bed last Sunday watching a Tamil film called ‘Raman Thediya Seethai’. I liked the story and the positive approach certain characters in the film have played.                                   

 Tuning through all the channels once the film was over, I went to bed. To my surprise, being a good sleeper, I was unable to sleep that day. Loads of things were running in my mind, and the main thing, which often passed by mind, was friends, friends and friends.

Friends are Rare Gifts. There use to be a saying, Tell about your friend, I will tell about you. That’s true in fact. Oldies in my village would explain this with stories infact. I used to have many friends during my college days. Would try to spend some time with each and everyone. And as such I even used to classify friends, guess most of us do? My best friends were those with whom I spend a lot of time, share my happiness and sorrows, who guide me when I am wrong, who help me, they learn from me and vice versa. I could name a lot of them. Usually people used to have 2 to 3 as their close friends, girls hardly one and few don’t have. But for me it has been increasing down the line. Right from my schooling I’ve had friends close to my heart, and I’ve been in contact with them for years. Of course I’ve missed a few, and the pain, in search of them, went in vain.     m175good-friends-are-like-stars-posters1


Thinking seriously what would be my next post is was rolling in my bed, fighting with my pillow. I thought of writing about an old friend of mine (RAM). This thought came to me when one of my friend who was feeling bad that we were not able to party in our house as he had taken a vow for his god. He made me think like how much he was depressed on that day. So finally deciding to write about him, all through my post it took me back to my college days where we were close to each other and whom I missed after that for the past 5 years. We were nearly 20 guys all together in 2 different houses, in our college, we use to roam together, chat together, party together and what not. From several cities across the state we all were united on Dec 22nd‘ 2000 and named our gang as Kool Guyz. The whole college was jealous of our friendship and we all rocked till we finished our engineering. I had a few close friends among those 20 with whom I use to share a lot. Ram was one among them and we both especially use to be together where ever we go. I liked him a lot; He was one such guy who was loved by most of them, yeah even girls to. We both don’t give up each other, even if were the one’s to be accused. Apart from sharing all, we indeed built a relationship that cannot be broken easily, but after our college days we hardly contacted. Hardly a few phone calls and b’day wishes, and the last time was on Dec 31st ’07, New Years Eve. After that it was last week when I heard the happy news that he has been transferred from Bangalore to Chennai. All our friends started to tease and kid us that we both are united again and that we will start our mischief again.

I’ve got ‘n’ number friends as such who can be portrayed in detail, one while doing MBA, few in office, couple of them during schoolings and so on, having lots of friends is not at all a matter as most of them have today, but how good the relationship is matters. I too wonder when one of my friend used to say that he has not had a best friend in his life so far! How come, true? Starts our debate… There may be no meaning or a sink in this post but what all l wanted was to express my views about friends and friendship. I would also like to mention that no creature in this world could live without a friend. 

                       A friend in need is a friend indeed – A true Quote and A Fact

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